I can't believe how good I feel now that I've found inspiration again. Physically I'm still struggling a little bit, but I tell myself it takes time to heal and I'll get there. It's more than a physical thing, I know. I need to do a lot of emotional healing from the past few years of "hard knocks".
I pulled up some audios I had on my
computer in the morning yesterday to listen to them while I was working on a
mosaic. Our internet was down and I thought it would be the perfect day to play "in the studio". I posted on the Wordpress blog this morning my weekly studio news for those who'd like to hop over and read it once you're finished here. The link will be added at the end of this post.
My favorite things to listen to, besides music, are inspirational
speakers I have on mp3's on my computer. Uplifting messages coming through the air as I work on a
mosaic or cut up glass or paint or whatever it is that I'm doing. It seems to really sink in more than when I plug in with headphones and
sit quietly and try to listen. I have a brain that will NOT shut off and if I sit for a while, it sees this as an opportunity to think about the day, what needs to be done, life, food, conversations and so on. I am not sure why I focus better when I'm doing mosaics or painting but if my hands are busy doing
something I like to do, I concentrate more on the messages coming
through. Perhaps it's the whole left/right brain thing. If I'm busy creating with the proper side of the brain, the other side of the brain can learn something.
I just finished writing the blog series
drafts on the Wordpress blog about my summer and I was in need of
some healing. I put myself right back there and the depression, frustration and upset that was what I was dealing with no matter how hard I tried to stay positive and see a good side (which I did eventually see) was with me once more. I have been doing the meditations I always do every day adding it to the 21 day challenge from the Chopra Center. I have times where I feel completely at peace and energized during that time. But when
I write about things that are less than positive in nature I start
thinking about them more. They stay with me for a while. I know this,
so when I've gone through something negative in thought or nature, I
pull out the audios to help me find my balance again.
I listened to Wayne Dyer (no surprise)
in a series of audios I have listed as "Inner Wisdom". It
ranges from 1976 to 2002. There are 40 audios that all run about 20
to 30 minutes each. I usually don't get through them all in one work
session, obviously, but I let them go from one to the next and often
stop and think about what he is saying to allow it really to get into
my brain.
Here is what I heard this day: "What
you think about ... expands".
Really think about this sentence: "What
you think about expands."
Read it again.
"What you think about expands."
Financially: If you worry about lack of
money all the time, if you become obsessed about what you don't have,
you keep yourself in a poverty state. Life has no choice but to stay
that way or get even worse.
"What you think about expands."
Physically: Have you ever said after
you sneezed: "Oh boy, I'm getting that cold that's going around. I know it's going to
hit me at it's worst tomorrow when I have a lot to do and it's going to
make it harder to do everything and I'm going to feel horrible. And it'll probably stick with me for
weeks and I'll get nothing done. I'll probably be in bed for at least 3 days. Ugh. I just know I'm getting that cold ..."
You've already put yourself there, in
that sickness, and even allowed it to stay for weeks. And chances
are, the next day, you feel horrible. You've got that cold and indeed
it does stay for weeks and you feel just awful through the whole
ordeal. What choice did it have? And when you are sick with the cold the next day, what do you say? "I KNEW IT!!"
Thoughts are energy. This energy goes out into the world and the Universe hears it, in a vibrations kinda way and we manifest what we don't want because that's where the focus is.
Why do we do that to ourselves?
Thoughts are so powerful. They are everything. As Dr. Dyer says: "Everything we experience in life is thought." They can cause illness and stress. They can make a good relationship good and a bad one bad. They
can also cause happiness, health and less stress if we change the way
we think as a negative person does. Even just a little bit of an altered thought can make a difference.
The next time you sneeze, if you are
prone to thinking like the example above, try this instead. Sneeze
and then say: "Okay cold, you have attempted to enter the wrong
body! You are NOT going to be a bother to me at all and have no power
over me. I don't want you anywhere near me. I choose to stay and feel
healthy. I am healthy."
Now there's no indicator that when you
sneezed it was just dust. There is a good possibility that an
airborne virus or germ found it's way into your nose and your system.
And it's just as likely that the next day after that dreaded sneeze
you COULD have a cold. But here's the interesting thing, even with a
cold, if you keep thinking in a positive way instead of a negative
way, it won't last long, you won't need to stay in bed for a week.
There is as much of a possibility that the sneeze was dust as much as
a possibility that it was a germ. Why start thinking the worst things
about that one tiny sneeze first?!
This is true with everything we think.
I often would go right for the most
horrible things to think and would obsess about these horrible things
until sure enough, they would manifest. Once I started to re-train my
brain to hear a negative thought and learned to switch it, when ever
I would hear it, to a positive thought, life got a lot better. It may
not be different ... the outcome from what was a bad sitution may
still happen. But I'd rather have a positive attitude about life in
general to get me through the bad situations than to be stressed out
all the time, making myself ill from stress and then trying to deal
with the situation that requires me to handle it if it is a difficult
Using the cold analogy once more, would
you rather have a week of feeling accomplished and enjoying time with
your family and friends with the sniffles or would you rather have a
week of feeling miserable, in your bed most of the time, complaining
to everyone within earshot about how sick you are?
Let's face it. Some of us do enjoy
misery. I used to. I found people around me that vibrated to the same
frequency and we were all miserable together. It was wonderful
because we all understood each other. We all tried to one-up each other too in our misery. We weren't happy unless we were miserable. "Poor me,
I'm miserable" or "Why does this always happen to me?!" I'd say and that would start everyone else to go there
with me.
Once I started thinking in a more
positive light and really got that sentence Dr. Wayne Dyer said: "What
we think about expands" I noticed so many people around me were
unhappy, sad individuals who were looking for others to feed their
fears. I didn't want to go through life like that. I wanted to enjoy
myself, feel good, be as active as I could be and sleep well, be
healthy and share my positive ideas with others. I found people who
were more upbeat to hang with, associate with and chat with online who love their life, their family, friends and
You can feel the energy people have. I worked with someone a long time ago who, when entering a room, gave off an energy that was so filled with stress and what I call static that the air charged up around them. This particular person fought with others often, was loud and sometimes rude, and always had major drama happening in their life. If you are drawn
towards that static, negative stuff – try to figure out why you
want to be there if you're unhappy about it. What do you need to learn about yourself? I like to feel
positive energy in people and I almost float towards it now. I feel good
when I'm around people who feel good. It's my choice. I changed my mind about how I wanted to feel every day.
Not so long ago I saw a person I know who has 3 small children under 10. Her life is always loud and active. The youngest is 2. Before the 3rd child was born this parent had to go through one of the worst possible life events I can imagine a parent can. She had to bury a baby after it's birth.
On this particular day, all 3 children were giving her a hard time and she was stressed and fussing loudly about their hectic energy and how noisy they were. Someone asked her if she wanted more children some day and she offhandedly said sometimes she doesn't want the kids she has. Those around her laughed and the noise and energy that only children have, continued as she attempted to wrangle them up and head on home. A week later, her middle child while not listening although both the adults with her were screeching at her to stop, kept running, ignoring them and came very, dangerously close to be hitting by a car. After hearing this, the first thing that came to mind was hearing her Mom say she didn't want the kids she had. I have heard that phrase used often. The parents never mean it when they say it and it's been said by many and always followed by a knowing nod and laughter. But the universe doesn't know that it's just a joke or that it doesn't mean anything when it was mentioned. It vibrates out there and if constantly thought about long enough, it stays until it manifests. I'd say this child had some divine intervention that day because she's still here among us, happy and still noisy and giving her Mom trouble on a daily basis. I wish I could share my insight on the way thoughts work with the Mom without making her want to crawl into a hole and stay there. But I know it isn't my place to do that. The child has recovered from the incident. I believe the Mom never will.
I work at really listening to what I say constantly and I try to keep a positive spin on it. I fall
back into a negative frame of mind every so often. Like I just recently did after writing the posts that had me depressed and physically hurt. But for the most
part, I am 75% a positive person. That is an awesome statement!! I
used to be 25% maybe even only 10% positive not so very long ago. It
took a lot of years, constantly listening to my favorite audio tapes by my favorite inspirational guru's and
reading books written by my favorite inspirational mentors (Dyer, Chopra, Tolle, Hay and so on) to really
get it.
One of my favorite songs is called "Change Your Mind" sung by Sister Hazel. It was used in one of my favorite movies "Bedazzled" with Brendan Fraser and Elizabeth Hurley. "Change Your Mind" Written by Ken Block, Jeff Beres, Andrew Copeland, Ryan Newell and Mark
Trojanowski Courtesy of Universal Records, Inc. Under license from Universal Music Enterprises.
"Change Your Mind"
Hey, Hey
Did you ever think
There might be another way
To just feel better,
Just feel better about today
you never want to have
turn and go away
might feel better,
feel better if you stay
bet you haven't heard
word I've said
you've had enough
all your tryin'
give up
state of mind you're in:
you want to be somebody else,
you're tired of fighting battles with yourself
you want to be somebody else
your mind...
you ever danced in the rain
thanked the sun
for shining-just for shining
the sea?
no-take it all in
world's a show
yeah, you look much better,
much better when you glow
ya say
both go and seize the day
what's your hurry
your hurry anyway
If you want to be somebody else,
If you're tired of fighting battles with yourself
If you want to be somebody else
Change your mind...
Once I changed my mind, I started to look better. I started to glow, just like the song says.
With age, comes wisdom. And with wisdom
comes this thought spoken first by Dr. Dyer: "get off the scarcity thoughts and start
thinking about what you have, rather than what's missing". I am very blessed to have discovered this man back in the early 80's. He continues to transform my life to this day.
"Focus on what you want to expand
in your life. If you're always thinking about what you don't have,
than what you don't have is going to expand."~Dr. Wayne Dyer
Final thoughts: What could be considered a mere coincidence was, in my mind, a BIG universal nudge to find perspective in my life. Last night I decided to channel surf and find something on TV while I nipped up stained glass after dinner. Normally I listen to music or leave something on that the grandchild was watching the last time TV was on in my room. I will admit that I do love SpongeBob (talk about optimistic!!). But last night, I found PBS and the newest Dyer show "Wishes Fulfilled". He looked good; very healthy. A major accomplishment as he was diagnosed with leukemia. When he walked on stage and said "I am well" I cried. It makes me well up tearfully right now just remembering that moment. He then proceeded to talk about ways to manifest things into your life, such as well-being and good health as well as give many anecdotes as he always does and what keeps me entertained so much when he does talks on the audios and videos I possess in my personal library. One of the phrases he used last night was "Quantum Healing". Now, that snapped me to attention. Something more was happening here than just being fortunate enough to find this program when I needed something to watch while working. That phrase "Quantum Healing" was the title of the meditation for Day 16 of the Meditation Challenge with the Chopra Center which was yesterday.
I know ... while there's a possibility, I suppose, slim as it is, that Chopra and Dyer, buddies and friends, could have convinced the TV network at PBS and the people who make the decisions as to what should be the meditation for each day during the Challenge (Chopra is one of them, I'm assuming, since he does a few meditations during the weeks) to run these things on the same day, I seriously doubt it. I believe, what happened was that I was meant to listen/watch Dyer talk about his latest book and life adventures on the same day I learned and listened to the Quantum Healing meditation in order for the lessons of each to really make an impact.
Bless you, Dr Wayne Dyer for your
teachings and for coming into my home daily with something new for me
to think about. If it weren't for the audios and videos I have available, I am positive I wouldn't be a positive person at all. I'd still be less than happy, less than grateful, less than peaceful.
Stay peaceful.