Saturday, January 21, 2012

Recommended Websites and Blogs

While I'm still recovering (nicely but slowly) from my injury, I thought I'd share some really wonderful online resources I've discovered throughout the last few years on my journey towards a peaceful existence within myself. Until I get back into the swing of writing the long, rambling missives I've promised, this information may be helpful to some.

Probably the best resources I use that seems to resonate with me the deepest are the ones that come at me every day within my email.

The first is TUT. Notes from the Universe comes daily in my email box and I have to say, each morning after I've read it, the little note from the Universe and Mike Dooley specifically, make me smile. Small, encouraging words make all the difference in the day still to live. Positive thoughts and hugs from the Universe! What's not to smile about?! Sign up for daily notes and see how it makes you feel.

Next up is Tiny Buddha. Reading this blog and finding quotes and information to help me get through life challenges is almost essential; I look forward to every single day it arrives in my email box. I often use the quotes I find on it as my Facebook status with the lead in: "Best thing I've read so far today". Often I find the whole blog good enough to share. Just as often, people respond telling me how wonderful it was to read, how it "spoke" to them as well and so on. Again you can sign up for email delivery of the blog.

The third and probably most controversial daily email I read is from Abraham-Hicks. The daily law of attraction quotes are sometimes paragraphs but worth every second it takes to read it and comprehend what I just read. I'm a big fan but don't often share what they have to say. Not because I don't like what Abraham says, but mostly because sometimes it almost seems too personal to share. Some weeks, it's like they live with me and know EXACTLY what I'm going through! You can subscribe to the daily quotes. The quote I just used today on my Facebook status came from their website: "The basis of your life is freedom; the purpose of your life is joy." Awesome words of advice.

A few websites I often visit are: Author of The Power of Now and A New Earth, Mr. Tolle has touched me deeply to my very soul. I have read the 2nd book so often that it is a little worse for wear. I often use sticky notes in all sizes to mark my favorite spots in books ... this one has so many sticky notes in it that it is double its size.

Each book is not a quick read. As a matter of fact I'm only 1/2 way through the first one and go back and re-read the beginning again and again. It sits with me for a while and I continue to the next page or chapter but often I'll need to revisit what I've read to make sure I really get it. I've been doing that for 2 years.

I have found a DVD for yoga on his website and use it daily. I usually only do the meditative part of it, in truth, but I do it. With the injury I'm now dealing with, it's best not to do too much. It is Yin Yoga by Kim Eng with an Introduction by Eckhart Tolle. Slow and steady is the pace here. Right up my alley!! There is a website not associated with Tolle or his DVD called I recommend it to learn more about this meditative practice.

Deepak Chopra's 7 Laws of Success has kept me busy for quite a while. I just about get through the first law and really "get it" and then something happens around me and I find I am not using the universal law as I should. It could take another century before I am really at ease using these laws but it is so worth the time it could take to truly feel the inner peace involved once they become more apart of me.

That's about it for now. There is a lot of info here for those who want to check them all out. When/if you do, let me know. And let me know what you think about them either here on the blog or through email.

My door is always open.

Remember: It's the Journey, Not the Destination.

Stay peaceful.


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