Monday, February 27, 2012

Mind-Body Connection

I'm on the 7th day of the 21-Day Meditation Challenge through the Chopra Center. If you haven't joined in, please do so, I believe you can still sign up.

It always amazes me when I feel the shift from unwell emotional thinking to feeling healed. I'm there today. While doing the meditation this morning, I felt something inside me relax, become joyful; I even felt an inner smile of contentment. It's exactly what I needed and what I've been waiting for.

I've stepped away from the mosaic work table for a bit to heal my injury completely and give the muse a much needed break. I've had no desire to mosaic lately and it is painful inside and out when I feel that way; often I fight it until I just can no longer ignore it. This time, however, I really do feel physical pain when I tried to work, so I decided I had to give myself a longer break and step away for a while from creating mosaics. Once the Doctors Without Borders "Beyond Borders" a mosaic online auction happening in September was complete and sent on its way, I covered up the work table (right next to my bed) and haven't needed to uncover it yet. In stepping away from it for a while, this gives me time to explore different creative venues. It also gives me a chance to gather future mosaic pieces in my mind and on paper.

Someone mentioned my auction piece reminded them of something drawn by Kandinksy so I set about looking at his artwork. My goodness how inspiring I found his works! Many are retro and speak to me LOUDLY. Having some of my work compared to his is an honor. But it got the juices flowing a bit and made me see the muse wasn't gone for good. She is just slumbering.

I grabbed the camera over the weekend and took some photos of a birthday party for my step-granddaughter, a rambunctious 6 year old on Saturday. I found a few photos that my daughter and I took to be quite colorful and really amazing. Yesterday I went for a short walk in the sunny but cold outdoors. I used an online photo editor for all the photos I took this weekend and found I enjoyed that very much. You can see the entire grouping of all photos on my flickr photostream (, but here are a few I really like:

Stay peaceful.

1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU!!! I've noticed lately that I haven't been as focused and really wanted to start meditating again. Thank you for this post and the link to the 21 day challenge. Namaste - Dana
